Friday, August 18, 2017

Here we go again!!!!!!!

Today is a the day my high-schooler's go back to school. Driver's Ed in both their schedules. Nervous moment for this mommy. To top it all off my youngest is now 10 years old. Oh how the time flies. I have yet to get my name out for photo shoots, I did get a hit through Facebook last night, but unsure if it will be a complete hit.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Rock an a Hard Spot

You ever sit back and get mad about not being able to do something? Well, that is me right now. I am unable to pull my camera out to take shots outside, because of all this rain. I hope it is over soon. I am ready to be outside with the camera pressed to my face, capturing breathtaking images for you all to see.

Baby Roman

Baby Roman

My Niece

My Niece

My Niece

My Niece

Senior Photo

Senior Photo